Visa support service
Our travel agency can provide foreign guests with a visa support service for getting a single entry tourist visa to Russia. A Russian tourist visa is valid for up to 1 month and divided into two types: first type gives you a permission to visit Russia once, second permit you to come twice. Russia tourist visa cannot be prolonged. To obtain this type of visa, travelers should confirm reservation of accommodation from hotel, travel agency or other company authorized by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Our company has accreditation in Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Note: it’s necessary to state the correct identify purpose of your trip «tourism» in all the papers you fill in the Russian Consulate to avoid any problems while crossing the Russian border. To assist you with visa support we need the following documents to be completed and signed by you:
Notice: Please send the filled papers to our company
fax number: +7 831 20 21 272 or e-mail:
Contact form: +7 831 20 21 271 (9 a.m.-6 p.m.)
Documents are to be ready within 1-3 working days.
To apply for the tourist visa in the embassy we’ll provide you with the following documents:
1. Voucher for providing tourist services addressed to the Consulate from our travel agency.
2. Letter of confirmation about the individual tour from our travel agency.
You should have the copies of these documents while crossing the Russian border.
Visa support tariffs: 500 Russian roubles for ordinary visa support service
Upon entry to the Russian Federation territory the foreign citizen must within 7 workdays register in the territorial office of the Federal
Migration Service at the place of sojourn.
If you are staying at a hotel, the Host Party is the hotels administration which in the course of twenty-four hours notifies the territorial office of
the Federal Migration Service of the foreign citizens arrival and also takes all the necessary steps regarding the registration of foreign citizens;
the administration is responsible for observance of the established rules of foreigners sojourn.
If you do not stop in hotel: as rules of registration in a private sector often change, please, contact our office immediately on arrival
to Russia for reception of more detailed information on procedure of registration in the territorial office of the Federal Migration Service at the
place of sojourn.